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            手機掃一掃 立刻聯系商家


            2024-11-15 08:00:00
            3616元 / 平方米


             ·Korea 韓國Yongsun Joo |上海辦事處經理KOTRA韓國貿易投資振興公社Yongsun Joo,Manager of Shanghai Office KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency)FHC為因xinguan肺炎疫情而無法走出國門的韓國食品企業的全球擴張提供了平臺。韓國企業紛紛回國,承諾明年再參加。非常感謝FHC和Informa Markets(英富曼展覽集團)提供這個寶貴的機會。FHC has provided a platform for the global expansion of Korean food companies that have been unable to go abroad since COVID-19. All Korean companies have returned home, pledging to participate again next year. Many thanks to FHC and Informa Markets for this invaluable opportunity. ·Türkiye 土耳其土耳其展館組織者Türkiye pavilion organiserMustafa Hasdal - Selten UluslararasiFuar ve Aks Tic Ltd Sti與來自土耳其的20多家公司一起回到FHC真是太棒了。三天的展會非常繁忙,我們的公司能夠與以前的商業伙伴重新聯系,并結識新的合作伙伴!我們已經計劃在2024年擴大展會規模,并期待明年向來自中國各地的主要買家展示我們好的食品&飲料產品。It was great being back to FHC with over 20 companies from Türkiye. The three days of the show were extremely busy and our companies were able to re-connect with their previous business partners and meet new ones! We are already planning on a even larger presence in 2024 and look forward in showcasing our best F&B products to key buyers from all over China next year. ·LIHOO' S 利和味道利和味道(上海)食品科技有限公司品牌運營中心副總經理 于淼P.K Yu ,Vice General Manager ofLIHOO' S (Shanghai) FoodTechnology Co., Ltd很榮幸參加FHC展會,使利和味道得以展示新成果,拓展業務領域。該展會作為行業盛會,性強,賦予了我們與更多行業伙伴建聯的機會。通過深入交流,我們了解了市場需求和趨勢,感謝FHC賦能,讓我們更好地展示利和味道的實力和價值。期待與FHC繼續攜手共進,為全球消費者帶來更多美味體驗。It is a great honor to participate in FHC, so that LIHOO' S can present their latest achievements and expand their business. As an industry event, the exhibition is highly professional and gives us the opportunity to build connection with more partners within the industry closely. Through in-depth communication, we have understood the market demand and trend, thanks to the empowerment of FHC, so that we can better demonstrate the strength and value of  LIHOO' S. We look forward to working with FHC to bring more experiences of tasty to consumers around the world. ·Yurun 雨潤中國雨潤食品集團市場部總經理  謝晨晨Stephanie Xie,General Manager of MarketingDepartment of China Yurun FoodGroup Limited.有幸攜手兩個品牌參與此次FHC,無論是三十年的國民品牌雨潤,還是二百余年的意大利品牌Beretta,我們和FHC都是老朋友了,一起見證了中國肉制品市場的發展和變遷。
            對我們而言,FHC是一個集展示品牌與推介產品的平臺,此次展會我們帶了多款亮相上市的新產品,不僅榮獲了FHC具年度創新產品“金蘋果”獎,同時還因此結識了很多國內外的合作伙伴,未來我們將一如既往的參展,互利共贏,共創未來。We are very glad to bring two brands to participate in FHC this year, whether it is the national brand Yurun for 30 years, or the Italian brand Beretta for more than 200 years. We are old friends with FHC and have witnessed the development and changes of the Chinese meat markets together. For us, FHC is an excellent platform to display brands and promote products. This exhibition brought a huge number of new products that debuted on the markets, which not only won the "Golden Apple" award of FHC's most innovative product of the year, but also built partnership with many well-know partners from domestic and overseas. In the future, we will continue to participate in FHC for mutual benefit and follow the win-win strategy to create a prosperous future. ·EWEN 意文上海意文食品科技有限公司總經理 陳榕Roy Chen,General Manager ofShanghai EWEN FoodsTechnology Co., Ltd意文EWEN食品與FHC系列展會合作多年,感謝FHC為大家提供良好的溝通平臺,今年有幸成為FHC中國國際烹飪藝術比賽指定意大利面及阿波羅大米贊助商,同時也榮獲FHC金蘋果獎--年度優選供應商,吸引了眾多熱情有興趣的合作伙伴,未來我們將一如既往參與,與FHC系列展會共同進步。EWEN Food has cooperated with series of FHC for many years. Thanks to FHC for providing a good communication platform, Ewen Food has been honored to be the official sponsor of pasta and Apollo rice for FHC China International Culinary Arts Competition this year, and has also won the FHC Golden Apple Award - Preferred Supplier of the Year, attracting many enthusiastic and interested partners. In the future, we will continue to participate in series of FHC and make progress together. ·Sanyuan 三元食品北京三元食品股份有限公司特渠事業部總經理   房立紅Lihong Fang ,General Manager of Special ChannelBusiness Unit ofBeijing Sanyuan Food Co., Ltd.作為與共和國共成長的民族乳企,三元食品感謝FHC提供的國際性交流平臺。在這里,我們展示三元作為“乳品伙伴”的產品及服務,與來自世界各地的人士以及客戶深入交流、拓寬視野、拓展業務。三元將繼續與FHC攜手,期待為更多全球及本土企業提供優質創新的產品和服務。As a national dairy enterprise who was growing together with China, Sanyuan thanks to FHC for providing an international and professional platform. Here, we display Sanyuan's products and services as a "professional dairy partner" to deepen communication with professionals and customers from all over the world, broaden mind and expand business. Sanyuan will continue to work with FHC and look forward to providing quality and innovative products and services to more and more global and local enterprises. ·MNASCX 蒙牛愛氏晨曦愛氏晨曦乳制品進出口有限公司行銷經理 王龍江Longjiang Wang ,Aishichenxi Dairy ProductsImport & Export  Co., Ltd蒙牛愛氏晨曦與FHC緊密合作多年,在這里能夠與更多的行業人士和消費者分享我們的高品質乳制品。明年蒙牛愛氏晨曦將繼續攜手FHC,不斷學習和創新,為消費者提供更好的產品和服務。MNASCX has worked closely with FHC for many years, and here we can share our high-quality dairy products with more industry people and consumers. Next year, MNASCX will continue to participate in FHC, keep learning and innovating, also provide consumers with better products and services.開啟2024!風正海闊再揚帆回望2023,我們圓滿舉辦了烹飪、咖啡、茶飲、糕點等8項國內外賽事,千名選手競技;18場主題論壇活動,289位行業智腦傾囊分享;7大同期展,精耕行業垂直領域;2場咖啡、巧克力市集活動,全方位鏈接食飲文化與生活場景。展望2024,FHC將帶來肉類及水產品、休閑食品、乳制品、甜食及巧克力、餐飲供應鏈及食材、調味料及糧油、咖啡茶飲、烘焙輕餐、食品加工及包裝和預制菜及中央廚房等10大板塊的升級拓展,為食飲行業輸出更優、更新、更廣的視角與資源。政策利好,助力行業光明前景。日前,中國決定試行對法國、德國、意大利、荷蘭、西班牙、馬來西亞6個國家持普通護照人員單方面免簽政策,鼓勵貿易交流,實現中外企業“雙向奔赴”。增長勢如破竹,2024年再創新高。在2013-2022年10年間,中國進口食品額年均復合增長率達到12.3%,預計2023年全年,中國進口食品總額將達到1400億美元,中國已經成為全球大食品進口國。FHC上海環球食品展立足食飲行業,深耕26載,食飲貿易伙伴不斷增加,這背后不僅僅是體量的增長,更有品質的升級、行業趨勢引領和信息貫通。致謝伙伴,致意未來。匯全球美食,共促交融;引高端賽事,以助創新;聚業界大咖,啟迪未來;造市集活動,助力出圈。第二十七屆FHC上海環球食品展將以更大規模、更高品質、更精細化的全新面貌再出發!2024年11月12-14日,上海新國際博覽中心(浦東新區龍陽路2345號),FHC2024,與您有約,不見不散!





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