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            2025上海國際軌道展覽會》Rail+Metro China軌道交通牽引供電、驅動裝置展
            發布時間: 2024-06-16 15:44 更新時間: 2024-11-15 08:00
            觀看2025上海國際軌道展覽會》Rail+Metro China軌道交通牽引供電、驅動裝置展視頻

            2025上海國際軌道展覽會》Rail+Metro China軌道交通牽引供電、驅動裝置展,上海國際鐵路與城市軌道交通展覽會(Rail+Metro China)于上海新國際博覽中心E6館拉開序幕。作為全國唯一集鐵路及城市軌道交通兩大主要領域技術發展的展示平臺,攜手海外交通主管部委及鐵路業主、國內產業機構及行業協會,共同推動亞太鐵路和城市軌道交通創新發展!

            From June 5-7, 2024, the 17th 2024 China International Railway Conference for Intercity and Urban Mass Transit (Rail+Metro China) was held in Hall E6 of Shanghai New International Expo Center. As the only technology development platform in the two major fields of railway and urban rail transit in China, it joins hands with overseas transport ministries and railway owners, and domestic industrial institutions and associations to promote the innovative development of Asia-Pacific railway and urban rail transit!



            More than 10 countries from France, Germany, UK, Russia, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Turkey, Qatar and more than 1000+ overseas rail transit industry buyers came to the site to purchase and exchange. At the same time, delegations of government owners from Indonesia, Russia, Singapore and Malaysia came to visit and promote the latest market plans and opportunities of rail transit in their countries.







            This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Shanghai Keolis. Shenkai's unique "Shanghai-French" style booth has become a beautiful scenery in the exhibition hall, attracting visitors from all walks of life. The special photo wall integrates the logo elements of "Shanghai-France", which is convenient for the on-site audience to take photos while fully communicating with the staff at the booth.



            "2024 Global Rail Transit Cooperation Conference (GRTCC)" was held on June 5, with more than 20 government agency leaders and experts from more than 10 countries and regions conducting in-depth discussions on important topics such as the development trend and technological innovation of railway and urban rail transit.


            Francois Dieu, CEO of Shanghai Keolis, was invited to deliver the theme speech "Sharing the experience of Shanghai Keolis. From the perspective of a French professional operator, he briefly discribed the operating performance of Shanghai Keolis, as the world's leading multi-standard market operator, in the past 10 years, as well as its efficient operating efficiency and cost advantages, and expounded the new challenges and opportunities faced by Shanghai Keolis with the rapid development of high quality in the domestic market, including the necessity for operators to be more cost efficiency, the importance of the strong  marketing approach to improve the ridership and the principle integrated management of the network.


            由上海市交通運輸行業協會主辦的的“2024 城軌高質量發展與走向海外發展論壇”于同期舉行,申凱公司商務總監耿慶志就《中低運能交通的高質量可持續發展》發表演講。耿總從“中低運能交通發展的現狀分析“切入,分析了中低運能交通面臨的政策性與內在因素的挑戰,從而給出了高質量可持續發展的建議,同時也闡述了運營商對于整個項目健康運營起著至關重要的作用。

            "2024 Urban Rail High-quality Development and Overseas Development Forum" hosted by Shanghai Transportation Trade Association was held at the same time. Georges Geng, Commercial Director of Shanghai Keolis, delivered a speech on the "High-quality sustainable development of medium and low capacity transportation", starting from the "Analysis of the current situation of the development of medium and low capacity transportation", he analyzed the challenges of policy and internal factors faced by medium and low capacity transportation, thus giving suggestions for high-quality sustainable development, and also expounded that excellent operators play a vital role in the healthy operation of the entire project.


            上海國際鐵路與城市軌道交通展覽會(Rail+Metro China)創辦于2002年,由中國交通運輸部指導,上海市國際貿易促進委員會、上海申通地鐵集團、中國地方鐵路協會主辦,上海國展展覽中心有限公司承辦,經過近20年的發展,已經成為中國乃至亞太地區軌道交通行業貿易caigou、企業品牌拓展的平臺。已有累計超過3000家企業展示軌道交通機車車輛及配套裝備、通信信號產品、牽引制動等產業鏈***,展商涵蓋規劃設計咨詢、基礎設施建設與運營管理全生命周期,逾20萬海內外觀眾蒞臨參觀,了解行業發展動態和開展caigou。

            Rail+Metro China 盛大啟航

            Rail+Metro China 上海國際鐵路與城市軌道交通展覽會,全國集鐵路(城際鐵路、市域鐵路)以及城市軌道交通(地鐵、輕軌以及中小運量制式)兩大主要領域技術發展的展示平臺,涵蓋8大主題展區、10余場同期高峰論壇、20余個海外城市、250家企業參與、27000平米展出面積,攜手國內外產業機構及行業協會,聚焦新行業標準、 國際發展趨勢,通過打造“一帶一路”青年軌道交通英才計劃、CIRC中國國際鐵路與城市軌道交通大會,共同推動亞太區域鐵路+軌道交通創新產業建設,搭建好產、學、研、資行業交流平臺!

            Rail+Metro 國際化之路

            2023年是國家提出“一帶一路”倡議十周年,深入實施“一帶一路”重大戰略,作為基礎條件和重要保障的交通運輸必須先行。雅萬高鐵是我國與印尼共建“一帶一路”的代表性項目,這是我國初次在國外高鐵動車全體系、全要素、全產業鏈的建設項目,在國際上具有重要的示范性作用,進一步落實***主席提出共建高質量“一帶一路”倡議,結合我司國際鐵路與城軌展項目組20多年積累的行業優勢資源,帶領中國鐵路(含高鐵)和城市軌道交通“走出去”,自2023年開始,Rail+Metro 品牌聯動海外資源,與全球***大展覽集團Informa聯合布局東南亞基建市場,打造Rail + Metro Asia 亞洲國際鐵路與城市軌道交通展覽會暨高峰論壇平臺,踐行國家一帶一路戰略,助力更多的中guoqi業走出去,進一步擦亮中國軌道交通品牌。同時,Rail+Metro 品牌將通過國內國外2個平臺,進一步拓展國際化資源,賦能中guoqi業對接海外資源,打通國際軌道交通行業品牌進入的渠道。Rail+Metro 組委會目前已經與歐洲鐵路聯盟(UIC)、國際隧道與地下空間協會(ITA)、印尼智慧交通產業協會、德國軌道工業協會等國際機構達成合作意向,將攜手推動中國軌道交通行業高質量發展。





            基礎設施建設及配套展區:盾構設備、導向系統、BIM 設計軟件、防水等陵道工程產品; 道臺、新型減報產品、聲屏障及新型降噪、新型建筑村料、養路機械技術與裝備;的下工程、土木建筑工程、電力系統、架空接獨 網、道與橋梁建設等:規劃,監管;養路機械、設備與工具等







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